Call for Manuscript Abstracts
Attention all Arctic Indigenous scholars, community members, and research allies!
A few Indigenous colleagues, allies, and myself are editing a Special Collection in the journal Arctic Science. Details below!
Special Collection Title: Indigenous Approaches to Arctic Environmental Sciences
Guest Editors: Victoria Qutuuq Buschman, Stanislav Saas Ksenofontov, Margaret Anamaq Rudolf, Megan Sheremata, and Enooyaq Sudlovenik
Description: The unique perspectives, priorities, leadership, and rights of Arctic Indigenous Peoples necessitate transformation in conventional approaches in environmental science. We invite manuscript proposals that discuss research methodologies in studies conducted by and with Arctic Indigenous Peoples to be published in the open-access journal, Arctic Science. This special collection aims to highlight research methodologies in the environmental sciences that support Indigenous self-determination in environmental research and/or governance. Indigenous and non-Indigenous researchers in academia and from non-academic Indigenous organizations are invited to propose submissions that discuss opportunities for transformation from across all stages of research, including (but not limited to): developing priorities, questions, and framings, preliminary research, observing and monitoring, data collection, approaches to analysis, reporting, evaluation, networking, data stewardship, funding, research governance, archiving, and the application of research outputs in environmental policy. Of particular interest are relational approaches in environmental research, the human dimensions of the environmental sciences, decolonizing scientific research practices, and opportunities for transformative change. We also seek representation across Indigenous homelands in Arctic and sub-Arctic regions. Of note, the editorial team responsible for this special collection are Indigenous scholars and allies working in the environmental sciences.
Submission guidelines:
Please submit abstracts of up to 250 words in length to propose original research articles. A limited number of literature reviews and commentaries may also be included in the collection.
Prospective authors should submit an email to guest editors Megan Sheremata and Victoria Qutuuq Buschman with the tentative title of the manuscript and an abstract.
Proposals with Indigenous lead authors and from Indigenous-led research partnerships are encouraged, including authorship from senior researchers, early career researchers, and non-academic (i.e., community) researchers
Papers with non-Indigenous lead authors are encouraged to involve Indigenous co-authors, and may include audio, video, or other sources with manuscripts.
Suggested paper length is 10,000 words (excluding title page & references).
The manuscript proposed must report new and previously unpublished results that are not considered for publication elsewhere.
Manuscript submissions will be peer-reviewed.
Abstracts must be submitted by Feb 28, 2023, to be considered for the issue.
All papers accepted for this special issue will be published in the journal as open-access papers with 100% open access fee waiver thanks to the support of the International Arctic Science Committee and the journal, Arctic Science.
Evaluation and selection criteria of submissions will be based on novelty, thematic relevance, and motivation for the work, as well as the goal of representation of research across Indigenous Homelands in the Arctic.
Authors guidelines: Follow journal authors guidelines at
Other queries: please contact: Sherestha Saini (Managing Editor) at