Arctic Winter College 2021
Arctic Winter College 2021 has kicked off to a great start. I was one of many fellow selected to partake in the three-month long course hosted by the Ecologic Institute, Migration in Harmony Research Coordination Network (MiH-RCN), and The Arctic Institute.
This course features weekly webinars of diverse experts that focus on the theme “Arctic on the Move.” Urbanization, globalization, and the impacts of climate change activate the simultaneous migrations of species, ecosystems, settlements, and cultures across Arctic coastlines in new and unpredictable ways. Arctic port cities are witnessing increased maritime traffic and inflow of migrant labor; rural villages are facing displacement from slow and sudden-onset disasters; sea ice melt and ocean warming are shifting marine species ranges; and terrestrial ecosystems in transition are upending Arctic food webs and introducing southern disease vectors. Each of these intersecting mobilities challenge the quality of life, sustainable development, and environmental health of the circumpolar north.
Of course, Indigenous scholarship is highlighted in the series through various talks that focus on our communities as an integral part of research and policy in Arctic affairs. The webinars are publicly available and you can learn more and attend public events and seminars here: