T-MOSAiC Special Issue Guest Editorship
I have recently been given the opportunity to become a guest editor for the T-MOSAiC Special Issue of Arctic Science! T-MOSAiC is the Terrestrial Multidisciplinary distributed Observatories for the Study of Arctic Connections and is a pan-Arctic, land-based research program under the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC). It’s a complicated titled for a program that does a lot of good natural science research in the Arctic and is interested in partnering Indigenous perspectives, engagement, and knowledge within this research.
The Arctic Science issue, “Terrestrial Geosystems, Ecosystems, and Human Systems in the Fast-Changing Arctic,” will focus on scientific articles and synthesis of terrestrial data sets, IASC’s T-MOSAiC system-level themes, and analyses of Arctic data from 2019-2020 or along longer paleoclimatic scales.
Guest Editors include: Warwick F. Vincent (Université Laval); Julia Boike (Alfred-Wegener-Institut); Victoria R. Buschman (Grønlands Naturinstitut & University of Washington); Frédéric Bouchard (CNRS & Université Paris); Scott Zolkos (WoodsHole Research Center); Gregory H. R. Henry (University of British Columbia)
More information on the Special Issue can be found on the Nunataryuk website here. Submissions are accepted through March 2021. *(Due to Covid-19, submissions will be accepted through March 2022).